Dawn of Grace by Jill Eileen Smith
Latest Release
Dawn of Grace

She's been pulled up from the depths of despair--but what happens when the hope she has found slips from her grasp?

From her earliest days, Mary Magdalene has known fear and loss at a level so deep she has no hope of surfacing. Bound to the demons within her and incapable of freeing herself, Mary walks in shadow–until one day she encounters the Healer and is never the same.

Meet Jill

Jill Eileen Smith loves Jesus, her family, friends, cats, and chocolate in that order! She lives in beautiful Michigan and loves to decorate her house to match the changing seasons. Uplifting music fills her home every day and she may or may not dance to her favorites.

  • the Journal

    Topics—all things biblical, my latest books, and just about anything else.

    All blog posts
  • Winners of the Rafflecopter Contest – Dawn of Grace
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  • Release Day!! Dawn of Grace – Giveaway!
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  • Countdown to Release Day!
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